Catherine rented a cottage on the coast.
A Cancer, she loved the sea, the endlessly renewing tides that seemed to heal emotions so bruised by deceit and then divorce.
She read her horoscope and laughed when it told of discovering a treasure.
Imagine her surprise when, on one of her long walks, she glanced down to the sand and saw at her feet an exquisite gold bracelet. She had been meant to find it. From that moment, she wore it always.
Lucky talisman? It seemed not.
Things started to go wrong. Her work, writing recipes for a magazine, was splattered with mistakes. She typed tablespoons, instead of teaspoons, left the raising agent out of cakes.
Two weeks later, she went to the police station and handed over the bracelet. She left her name and put it all from her mind. Until …
“Catherine,” the tall man at her door was gorgeous. “My mother sent me to thank you for returning the bracelet.
She was quite devastated by the loss. A gift from my late father.
Let me buy you a meal to say thank you. It was honest of you to give the bracelet back. Many people would have kept it.”
Dinner that evening followed, then more. Henry was rich, flattering, fun. A Cancer, like her, so they got along. And yet …
Catherine found herself making an excuse to go to the police station again.
Soon she was dating the desk sergeant, a strong Capricorn.
Poor Henry, she’d realised the treasure predicted in her Stars had not been the bracelet, but her love for her policeman.
Henry took the news quite well. He went straight back home and opened a jewellery case.
The holiday season was starting – it wouldn’t take long to find a new girlfriend. He smiled as he took a “diamond” necklace to the beach.