
Jackie whisked a body-building drink for Billy. She slicked some body-polishing oil over his skin.
He wanted to be a Mr. Universe contender, she wanted to share the glory. They had been engaged for two years and planned to marry after he won the contest.
He was a Leo, his vanity helped him to devote his time to his body. She was Pisces, she loved to create perfect images.
Time to leave for the airport to collect her younger sister, Claire. They were fond of each other but very competitive.
As an Aires, Claire always tried to come first. Would three years in Canada have changed things?
It seemed not.
When Claire saw her sister’s fiancé, she was determined to have him. Well, she told herself, all’s fair in love …
Billy was flattered when she turned up at the gym. She made no secret of her admiration for his body. And her own, he noticed, was even more impressive than Jackie’s. Of course, when Jackie had her breasts enlarged, Claire had to go even further …
Billy, for all his bulk, hadn’t been able to tell Jackie of his new love. So it was that he left their flat one morning as if everything was normal. He changed into the suit Claire had bought for him in the car and drove to the register office. It had taken just three months from first meeting to marriage. But Claire wanted to be sure of her victory before she told Jackie.
Same-day pictures and a motorbike messenger meant that Jackie got a copy of the wedding pictures that afternoon. Tears filled her eyes.
They were, however, tears of laughter. It had been easier to offload Billy than she’d thought. Now she could concentrate on her new discovery – a man sure to beat Billy in the body-building contest.