
Derek couldn’t eat, he couldn’t sleep. As a Libra, the unfairness of it all bit into his mind. To be accused of sexual harassment.
Sara was a very pretty young woman, a full-on Aires flirt who, as soon as she came to work in his department, signalled her interest in him. He was flattered but devoted to his wife. So, when Sara locked his office door, and unzipped her red velvet top, he put on his sternest face and told her to behave herself.
Two days later, he was in front of the big boss. And heard Sara’s version of the story. The fondling, and the promise of promotion if she “came across”. The velvet top with the broken zip offered as evidence. Even to his own ears, his shocked denial rang hollow. The matter was to be investigated. Meanwhile, he was suspended.
Derek couldn’t bring himself to tell his wife. So each morning he left the house as if to go to work. But he was not the same man.
Sara retold her story when she met her workmates for their traditional Friday night drink. The first one Derek had missed in years. A slender, athletic looking woman listened intently and whispered to Sara that she, too, used to work for Derek S, a supercilious cold-heart. To this day she fantasised about revenge.
Soon Sara was boasting how she had “fixed the saintly Derek S”.
“Well done,” said her new friend. “Let me get you another drink.” At the bar, she switched on the tape recorder in her handbag. Walking back to the table,
Mrs. Derek S smiled at Sara. “Now you must tell me exactly how you fixed him.”
Derek’s wife was a Sagittarius and that’s the starsign that seeks justice, always get to the truth – one way or another.