Christina Ricci

Actress Christina Ricci will turn 44 on February 12

Christina started in Hollywood as a child star and later became known for choosing quirky, challenging movie roles. She’s currently on our TV screens in Wednesday and Yellowjackets. Christina is married to hairstylist Mark Hampton and has two children.


First card out is The Moon, which shows a gradual increase in Christina’s wish to support people without their own voice, either through hearing their stories privately, or taking a public stance. Either way, it’s her deep empathy and lack of judgement of others that makes her unique. A country with a circle on its flag can be key.

Nine of Fire

Card two on my table is the Nine of Fire, a card of smouldering creative talent suddenly bursting back into life - with a strong link to pictures. Christina can find a producer’s hat natural and successful to wear, and be key supporter in a series of nine family-based films, books, or visual products spread virally by word of mouth.

Water King

Lastly, I draw the Water King, a card reconnecting Christina to a much older, more experienced Hollywood former co-star, to tell each other’s stories. Designing and building her own unique home, close to a famous harbour, can be part of her future.