David Tennant

Actor David Tennant will turn 53 on April 18

Born and brought up in Scotland, the son of a church minister, David decided at the age of three that he wanted to be an actor. He’s been one of the most popular incarnations of Doctor Who, and also starred in Broadchurch, Good Omens, Litvinenko and many more, plus countless stage appearances. David is married to actress Georgia Moffett and they have five children.


David’s first card is the Chariot, a strong indicator of movement, and decisive action. If David has a “C” choice he’s kept on ice, for whatever reason, he should get moving on it soon. This card suggests a challenging journey, perhaps towards Hollywood, and a very different pace and direction of life.

Six of Fire

Second card out is the Six of Fire, a strong card of celebration, that often connects to a big prize win. From a June award to the ultimate gift of a new family addition, many golden “6” possibilities are ahead.

Earth King

Finally, I draw the Earth King. This card represents patience and strength. One key career dream, perhaps linked to writing for, or directing, someone very close may take longer to come true than David expects. But he can, and should, stick with it. A legacy of property, or land, can link to an older man - with a scandalous past.