Chris Martin

Musician Chris Martin will turn 47 on March 2

Chris founded Coldplay with three friends while at university in London and the rock group started their success with Parachutes in 2000. Since then a further eight hit albums have followed, making Coldplay the most successful band of the 21st century. Chris has two kids from his marriage to Gwyneth Paltrow and is currently in a relationship with actress Dakota Johnson.


First card for Chris is The Chariot, a symbol of movement, travel and activity - that challenges us to be our best selves at all times. This reflects his drive for sustainability in the world of rock band touring, and can signify a true one-off transportation experience linked to a major musical event this summer.


Next card out is Justice, a card of fairness and co-operation. But it also demonstrates ability to deal with detractors, in public and in private, and silence any negative voices deep inside. So a new song Chris may hesitate to share could be one of his biggest hits yet.


Lastly, I draw the Moon, spiritual and sensual card, but also a symbol of emotional extremes. Pictures are a key element of this card, and Chris can find fulfilment writing, directing and even co-starring in a weepy love film.