High Priest
First card for committed Christian Stormzy is the High Priest, a card of wisdom, maturity and learning from the past - then leaving it behind. Rejecting regrets can prove challenging, but also rewarding, and there are strong links here to a country connected to one of Stormzy’s parents. This is where peace and healing can be found.
Card Two is Changing, a Tarot indicator of letting one dream go, to make way for another. A meeting where triangular flags fly, or when he is wearing a pattern of triangles, can be the catalyst for change.
Last on my table for Stormzy is the World, a card of learning, and opening the mind to new horizons. Study, perhaps in secret, in a famous location, or alongside some famous faces, unlocks mind and memory power that leads him towards global prizes. This can include one, or more, glowing golden spheres.