First card for Sir Kier is the Chariot, suggesting rapid change and movement, that may sometimes feel hard to keep up with. Ruled by Mars, this is a card of fundamental decency but highlights the challenges of driving forward with hope when the road may feel impossible. It’s essential to make time for personal health and needs, plus people who matter.
Card two is Justice. This card reminds Sir Kier that all change worth having comes at a cost. But it’s also a strong indicator of moulding a tricky set of people into a cohesive team - the key skill of true Justice is not judging, but listening. Music from a questions-based film or TV show can be a luck-finder.
Earth Prince
Lastly, I draw the Earth Prince. Sir Kier is a keen football fan - and playing or watching a match alongside a younger man, with links to the fashion or influencing world, can lead to a sharp new image out in the world. The Earth Prince also represents honesty, caution and proper research.